Looking out the window this morning, I realized that it was raining for like the thousand day in a row. As I had a few errands to run today, I was therefore very happy that I have finally succumbed to the climate-change enforced fashion wave that has hit Oslo, and purchased my first ever city-style-rubber-boots last week-end.
Rubber-boots on, I was ready to locate the NAV office, to hear about job opportunities. I knew that it was at Solli Plass, and I knew how to get there because a couple of weeks ago, when I was meeting my friend Kjersti at Bagel&Juice, I took one of my famous “shortcuts” and ended up somewhere totally different – coincidentally at Solli Plass. So today, I aimed for the same shortcut, but once again – ended up somewhere different… Probably time to admit that directions are not my strongest side… Hm, it would be interesting to know where the guy who stopped me to ask for directions actually ended up!
Well, finally I ended up at the NAV-office, and the whole trip turned out to be a waste of time, since the only thing they could tell me was how to navigate their homepage to find available jobs, something I do every day anyway. But at least I got to test my new rubber boots, and could walk into all the little puddles that came in my way, instead of having to jump from one dry spot to another. That was, however, something that was more fun when I was five...