Saturday, September 08, 2007


Today I decided to have a completly relaxing Saturday. And what better way to spend it than to sleep the first half of the day for then to bring a couple of fleece blankets and a pillow into the living room and spend the second half of the day on the couch in front of the TV? The only small catch is that the TV program selection is quite limitied. It doesn't help to have 70 TV channels when over 90% of them are either origianlly in, or worse still, dubbed into Russian. But as I was aimlessly flipping through the channels I stumbled across something truly great: VH1 has a "Smells Like the 90's"-theme week end, playing 90's music videos non stop! It has made me really nostalgic sitting here hearing all there songs again, laughing, slightly blushing, and remembering the times when I was a teenager and these songs seemed to be the greatest things ever made... Right now they are showing Ace of Base's "The Sign" which (I'm sorry to say) was one of my absolute favorites for a brief, confused phase of the very early 90's. But the worst thing is not (though it is really bad) the song itself - but the hairstyles! (With the clothing style in a very good second place). Blushing slightly, I now remember the times when I used at least half a bottle of extra-mega-hold-hair-spray and mega-mega-hold mousse every day trying to make my bangs as high as possible. Jeez, it that really what I looked like..?


Anonymous said...

Husker du hadde en kasett som jeg var så misunnelig på.. Nå husker jeg sjølsagt ikke hva den heter, men det var en hvit rapper liksom- jo, informer eller noe sånt! den var veldig kul, men veldig vanskelig å synge- hihi. God natt vennen!!

hanne said...

Hehe, den husker jeg godt! Tror han het Snow og sangen Informer eller no.. Husker jeg var storfornøyd etter å ha fått tak i kassetten til blodpris på Kiel-ferga. Aiaiai, those were the days...