Saturday, February 25, 2006


It is amazing how many important things that just have to be done when I have planned to use a whole day at home writing an exam. Stuff about which I usually think “oh, I’ll do it tomorrow”..

My hyper-effective-exam-writing-day Friday also included:
- Doing a huge grocery shopping trip to Spar (ICA would have taken too little time)
- Cleaning kitchen benches and floor, plus doing dishes
- Making one cup of coffee, and three cups of tea
- Going to the city library to check mail, newspapers, pay bills and write a blog
- Fold heaps of laundry very neatly
- Folding all the rest of the clothes in the closet while I was at it
- Watching Beverly Hills 90210 (that is a must!)
- Cleaning the bathroom
- Eating brownies and watching “Extreme Makeover Home Edition”

I decided to take Saturday off.

Wonder what “important” stuff I will have to on Sunday.

1 comment:

Linn Cathrine said...

Dette høres veldig kjent ut. Utrolig hvor mye mer spennende det er å være husmor enn å jobbe med eksamen. Forstår deg veldig godt. Jeg er selv eksperten til å utsette ting. Jobber best under press...Kanskje. Lykke til med skrivinga uansett;)