Monday, February 26, 2007

Fun (but Exhausting) Times in the Life of a Sports Fan

Finally the World Championship in Nordic Skiing. But what were they thinking when they decided to host it on the other side of the world?? In another time zone? That means a lot of early mornings for us sports fans in ski-crazy Europe! In one way it is good though... It gets me up in the morning (at 6 am!!), and it's done so early that I can still make a pretty early start on the thesis writing business. Good thing about being a student I guess. Very flexible starting times.. Bad thing is that it also means an early start in the week ends.. You really know you're a sports nerd when you get up at 6 am on a Saturday to watch some cross country. Today I've just been exhausted all day...

It is also a time of priorities.. A time when the qualification for the ski jumping competition the next day seems a lot more important than getting the second chapter of my thesis done and shipped off to my supervisor. After all, the World Championships is only once every second year! I guess the thesis is only once in a lifetime, but it is for sooo many weeks, and I'm already so tired of all the writing, reading, analyzing, frustration attacks, writing blocks, and dictionaries - that it feels like I've been working on this forever. Therefore, my priorities are simple. The fun wins. I'd choose something fun and exciting over frustrating and annoying any day. Ooops.. Maybe that's why I'm struggling to get this thesis done on time... Which means another semester of writing, reading, analyzing, frustration attacks, writing blocks, and dictionaries...

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