Thursday, March 08, 2007


For those of you who didn't know, I am worth 5 camels. Only 5! I'm a little offended. Especially because I am lucky if I get sold for 5 camels, because apparently that requires a desperate and entusiastic camel seller or a market drier than the Sahara. But if I had been a platina blond E-cup who wanted more than 10 children, I would have been worth over 40 camels. It's not fair!
How I know this? Well, see, I have started to take some personality tests on the internet (of course I have, I can't be writing on my thesis for 8 hours straight can I??). What I have also found out is that if I was a desperate housewife, I would be Susan Mayer. I am "pretty urban". My mental age is 28 (only 3 years older than my real age, I'm not too worried..). If I was a candy I would be "søte bjørner". And if I was an element in the periodic system, I would be oxygen.
So there it is. That's me in a nutshell.


Kari-Merete said...

Hvor fant du den testen?? Alltid nyttig å vite hvor mange kameler man er verdt;)

Anonymous said...

Hanne, don't be so sad. Here in Saudi Arabia one camel can be worth of 1 million rials (200 000 eur). So 5 camels make you worth of 1 million euro. According to my boss I am only worth of 800 euro. Which might make in camels only a tail.

hanne said...

Jeg gikk inn på tester på startsiden, og så inn på den første linken der. Der var det mange nyttige personlighetstester.. i morgen skal jeg bruke litt verdifull skrivetid på å finne ut hvilket bakverk jeg er. kan være kjekt å vite det og.. :)

Hehe, I must say that 1 million euro sounds a lot better than 5 camels. I'll think of it that way instead :)

hanne said...
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