Saturday, December 22, 2007
Auf Wiedersehen
Leaving the people and the place that has made the last few months so unbelievably great was something I didn’t know how to handle. A smart person once told me that one shouldn’t think too much, and I found that to be a good approach in this situation. So I decided that the only way was to not become my usual, nostalgic self, but focus on everything else than leaving. Besides, it helps that I am still a lousy planner – and had to stress around all day hoping to get everything done last minute before my plane left… My plan was that this would keep the waterworks from opening. And my plan (almost) worked.
I have to admit that I was a little bit unsure what I went to, and if things would work out, when I went to Tallinn in the very end of July. But all my scepticism was very unnecessary – this half year has been so great! I now have so many fantastic memories and I have met some great people.
And come to think of it, it doesn’t really matter that I am not good at leaving. Or that I’ve never been good at saying goodbye. Because, I’m not saying goodbye, but see you soon!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Spa testing
But one thing I was determined not to miss was a real spa treatment. I couldn't live here for almost half a year and not test out the thing that makes hundreds of countrymen board buses and planes and head for Tallinn each year. Every time I have had visitors here and booked spa apppointments, something has gotten messed up with the booking and I have ended up with the "classical massage treatment". So a week ago I decided to book a real spa treatment that sounded just perfect for me - "energy enhancing treatment - the ideal cure against tiredness". It was going to last for two hours, and I was convinced that this was a real spa thing when I got a pair of those really sexy paper underwear thingys that I have heard so much about.. Then I was put in a capsule, before getting a body peeling. Then I got a body mask from seaweed that smelled absolutely terrible, was wrapped in a plastic something and left to rest for half an hour accompanied by a sound machine that played wave sounds - with the occational sound of what I am sure must have been a sheep.. Then there was massage, and my energy treatment was done.
It was very nice, I was very happy - and went home to take a nap.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Dentists and Leaving
A lot of stuff has happened since I last wrote. Too much to go into detail. I have had visits from friends, and that has been great. I have been hanging out, having fun. Winter has come to Tallinn, winter has left Tallinn. I don't think there is much hope of a white Christmas here. Fortunately, I think it is at home. But Tallinn is doing it's best creating a Christmasy feeling with lots of lights, Christmas trees, and a market. And for the first time I have no exam to dread. But it's mixed feelings after all - because I am leaving Estonia in a week.
Today I went to the dentist. Traumatic experience. No, I am not afraid of dentists. But I am now afraid of my next visit to one. I had heard that going to the dentist is a lot cheaper here in Estonia. So I decided to take advantage of that. Equipped with a paper napkin around my neck and a pair of amazingly becoming goggles on my face, I was put in a chair ready for a check-up of my teeth. And all went well - I was even brave and said no when offered an "injection" to get through a particularly painful part of the treatment (yeah, brave - and afraid of needles...). Afterwards the dentist told me that everything looked well. I could still hear a "but" hanging in the air.. And yeah - "but, there are also bad news". Then he went on telling me that I need an operation to get my wisdom teeth out. He also told me some other gross details about the mentioned operation. Plus, that it will hurt for a week. Per tooth. So, my cheap visit to the dentist turned out not so cheap after all. Because now I have to get a second opinion in Norway. And maybe a third. And a forth. And a.. (I won't stop until I find one that says: nope, no need for an operation here!)
Tomorrow I'm having a kind of leaving party. And day-by-day, it is hitting me more and more that I'm going home soon. And though it will be good to get home, too, I am sad to leave. I don't think I'm ready to leave yet - time flies too fast. And what happens now? I really wish I knew...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Oksana reports from Tallinn
I am also almost done with my French classes. I still can't have the most exciting conversations in French - unless you want to hear me describe my room (which is, in fact, quite "interesting")or order at a restaurant - but I do think I can sense some improvement. But as my French skills are slowly improving, my Norwegian is going in the opposite direction. I have put a diagnosis on myself - I am language confused! All these Scandinavian languages, English, French, and Estonian is making my Norwegian sound like a strange mixture of Scandinavian - Bokmål - Dialect - Norwenglish, something I became painfully aware of last week end.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Since my last update, November has arrived. Winter has come to Tallinn. And left. And come again. And - for the time being - left. Or at least the snow has left, the cold is still very much present. I am stuggeling a little finding a right temperature at the moment. I thought I had gotten used to the central heating system, but it turned out they just hadn't turned it on all the way yet. Because today I came home to a sauna! After spending some time in my room, I had to go for a walk, because it was so hot. But outside was so cold I almost froze my ears off... I am waiting for the snow to come. It makes it all so much lighter and a little bit warmer, I think.
Not a long post this time - I am way too tired to write anything useful right now. Good night!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sleepy and Cultural Times
My trip to the art museum nicely fit into my otherwise very cultural week. All cultural things like concerts, opera, ballett etc. are so cheap here, and some we are invited to for free through the embassy, so it is a nice chance to experience some things that I normally wouldn't. The last week and a half, we have had something called Norwegian Week here in Tallinn, that ended with a piano-Grieg-concert Wednesday, which was really nice. Then I went to my first ever opera on Thursday, to see Tosca. Opera was really different from what I had imagined - and in a good way.
But now I have been awake for almost two hours, and my eyes don't want to stay open anymore. It is time to get some much needed sleep ;)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Central Heating System
About a week ago they turned on the central heating system in my building. Now I have a massive cold, recovering from a headace, and I "fyrer for kråka" (Norwegian expression that is hard to translate - like "heating for the crows"). I cannot use heating very much because that tends to give me headaces. Which makes is quite unfortunate that I cannot turn the radiator off. So I have to regulate by opening the window to get some fresh airduring the nights. Hence the massive cold. And the warm, happy crows. Trying to come up with a better plan for the next two months..
Otherwise, everything good - but quite hectic - in Tallinn!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Since I have not yet learnt that taking lots of pictures of buildings only seems like a good idea in the very moment of taking them; I owe a big thanks to Morten who has understood the trick that pictures with people on them are a lot more fun when you look at them later...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Week and Future
I have also had time to practice my French a little bit more this week! Maybe the atmosphere of the little French cafe where we have the classes is doing it's tric after all - or at least it's so cozy that it makes it temping to go there and read.
On Friday I saw my first ever Estonian movie, Autumn Ball. It had gotten some prizes internationally, so I figured it was worth a try. It was a good movie, but very sad and depressing. So if it ever comes to Norway - be aware.
In addition, I have also started to think a lot about planning. That has never been my strong side. Usually I have trouble planning a week ahead, but I think I have done some sort of progress lately. I have at least been able to plan some trips, and my weekends ahead here in Tallinn. But then it suddenly became very clear to me that I have no plans after Christmas. I have always thought that sounded very good, but lately it has also seemed a little scary. Quite scary in fact. Since time is flying so fast, there isn't that much time to come up with a master plan either. So last night I started to look for an appartment to rent in Oslo. They were all scarily expensive. So if someone hears about a great job or a good place to stay in Oslo - send a pip my way...
Monday, September 24, 2007
Girls Trip to Riga
Sunday, September 16, 2007
What's with all this Whipped Cream???
I went to a coffeeplace the other day, orderning a latte with Irish Cream to go. While they were making my latte I was more busy people-watching than actually supervising what went into the paper cup. So when I got it it already had the lid on, and I tried to start drinking on my way out the door. Only, no coffee came in my mouth. I took the lid off to investigate, only to discover that over half of my cup was filled with whipped cream. The other half apparently consisted of 3/4 Irish Cream syrup, and 1/4 coffee... I decided that this coffee chain was weird, and decided never to use it again. Then yesterday, I was standing on an information stand about Norwegian Develoment Cooperation for several freezing hours. So I decided to go into the shopping mall to get a coffee and warm up. I asked for a latte, and waited impatiently for them to make it. Unfortunatly, it didn't occur to me to point out that I wanted a latte free of whipped cream.
Mistake. Huge mistake.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
But still, the cakes turned out really good, the company was great - all in all a very successful apple-cake-happening!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
In Over my Head...
I have been saying lately that I want to take a language course to improve my French. I take that back. I am now saying that I want to take a language course to learn some French. See, yesterday was the day for the French language level test. Even though it is 6 years since I last spoke a word of French, I didn't fear the test too much. I had the French books from high school in my bag, and after work I went to a French cafe - secretly hoping that the atmosphere, the cafe au lait, and the fairly close presence of the grammar books would whipe away the devestating effect the last six years have had on my language skills, and that it would all come back to me in mysterious ways. That is what you call wishful thinking. And let me tell you something; it doesn't work!
I showed up for the test convinced that it would take max 20 minutes, and be the type where you checked box a, b, or c - whichever one seemed more likely or convenient. Then the test started. Everything was of course in French, but I understood that the test would consist of four parts. EH?? Part one - dictation. Auch! Part two - crossing of boxes. OK, "prepared" for that. Part three - write an essay. WHAT?? AUCH! (could it get any worse? Oh yes it could..) Part four - conversation with the teacher, one at a time. AAAAAAAAAAAUCH! OK, so I can understand some things, but I have no words to answer with, except "tres bien" and "merci". And the teacher didn't speak a word of English (or so she said at least). The whole thing took almost two hours. And the result didn't make me very optimistic. Apparently, my written stuff is "pas mal", but the oral part was crappy. No, she didn't say crappy, but she would have if she was less polite. Maybe she even did say it, I only understood half of what she said anyway. I wonder what I have gotten myself into. But I really want to learn French. Wouldn't it be great if I could just snap my fingers, and voila - it was already there?
Rock and Helsinki
And on Sunday it was time to go abroad! Helsinki is only like 50 km away. Too long for a swim, but short enough for a convenient boat trip. And during the summer there is even the super-fast-boat, that takes only an hour and 45 minutes. Inland-animal that I am, I was a little bit sceptical to get on a boat, but the travel sickness pills did the trick.. On the little boat on the way to Helsinki, the waves were pretty big. On my
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Fort Knox
Today, we had had enough of Fort Knox. Patience is a virtue I don't possess, especially at quarter to nine in the morning trying to get out the door and to work. So today we contacted the landlord.. Who straight away dealt with the problem; by unlocking the problematic lock, and locking the bottom one instead. The one that we don't have a key to, that is. So when I came home with all my groceries and picked-up dry cleaning; Fort Knox wasn't just difficult, but impossible to enter. After some hectic phone calls the landlord came 10 minutes later - speaking only Russian. I think she was trying to say that we must have that key, and I was trying to say that no, we absolutely did not have that key. But after a lot of njets and pointing and head shaking - we came to an agreement and Morten discovered the hidden keyes.
And tomorrow - I have no excuse for being late anywhere.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Dream Weekend
Home from work.
Nothing that HAS to be done, nothing that SHOULD have been done. (Except relaxing.)
Temperature of 30 degrees, sun from a cloud-free sky.
Grab a few things, go to the bus station.
Sit on the bus for a couple of hours.
Arrive in a beautiful little town, staying in a great appartment close to the beach.
Going to a restaurant to eat some great food affordable on a student budget.
Going to the fresh fruit and vegetable market to find something for breakfast.
Discovering that the beach is 1 km of fine graided sand, and that the water is amazingly refreshing.
Having a barbeque and wine with friends in the great appartment.
Going to a disco on the beach, cheap drinks and good music.
Taking a morning swim in the sea on the way home at 6 a.m.
Catching a couple hours of sleep.
Spending Sunday on the beach, in cafes, relaxing.
I could be discribing a dream weekend scenario.
I am actually discribing my weekend in Pärnu.
Yeah, life is good.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Tallinn Update
As you might have read between the lines by now, my weekend in Tallinn has been fantastic. The sun decided to reappear just in time for the days off, and after a movie and some research of the nightlife in my new home town Friday night, the beach was a fantastic place to be on Saturday afternoon; swimming, reading Harry Potter, and listening to old hits over the loudspeakers. We had invitations for a concert on Saturday afternoon, and decided to go and see what that was all about. It turned out to be a operaish kind of concert, attended by us and quite a few pensioners… I decided that I was not quite ready for that kind of high-culture yet, but maybe in 30 years or so.
Sunday was nice and relaxing as we decided to walk around the old town catching Kodak moments and testing cakes at a really cute café. There are a lot of great cafes and restaurants here, and the scary thing is that it is almost as cheap to eat out as to make food at home. This is simply dangerous… I have been thinking about going jogging in the park close by, but so far I have left it with the thought...
I ended the weekend watching the sunset and having drinks at a bar on the 25th floor of the SAS hotel, with a view all over Tallinn, with my flatmates Laura and Morten. Here follows a few snapshots of there, from the Old Town, and the rest of Tallinn
(I wrote and saved this post a couple of days ago, but I am too lazy to make a few changes to it even though it is Tuesday already, so I am just posting it as it is...)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Day One
I have now gotten settled in my new appartment, and had my first day at work. Both the appartment and the job seem really good! And the city has showed itself from it's best side, with a blue sky and bright sun - finally I found the summer ;) So after work I went around the city a bit, or actually a bit longer than expected... My colleague showed me the supermarket, but then the way back from there was up to my map and me. We didn't really manage. Not at all really. (Some things never change...) After about 20 mins I ended up exactly where I started. And had to try again... Oh well, the weather was great, the city really is beautiful, and a little sightseeing was good (and would probably have been even better without my bleeding blister...). And I found my way home!
And now I am sitting at home reading the city guide that I bought, deciding what place to explore next. On the page I have gotten to they provide some key phrases in Estonian. They have chosen 27 important words and phrases (including the numbers from 1-10), ending with "will you marry me?".. Key phrase indeed..
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Jakter på Sommer'n
Men selv om det ikke er strålende solskinn, er det jo sommer likevel, og grillmiddag på verandaen må man ha uansett! Da er det godt at man har en overbygd veranda, og et ullteppe å tulle seg inn i, og at det er sånn rimelig temperatur selv om regnet pøser ned samtidig :) Nå håper jeg imidlertid at regnet har gitt opp litt, har i hvertfall fått gått en dag i fjellet idag uten å bli bløt. Håper og at jeg skal få i hvertfall en dag med soling på verandan før jeg drar igjen. Men enn så lenge fortsetter jeg jakten på sommeren, og i morra er det i Trondheim det skal jaktes. Aftenposten har meldt sky med en sol bak, og jeg er optimistisk som få...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Top of the Mornin' to ya!

So when I saw that Ryan Air had really cheap flights there, I decided that visiting a friend in Dublin would be a great summer vacation trip! And it was :) Ryan Air was an interesting experience, though, with 150 Norwegians without a sense of "queue culture" battling for the best places in line to secure a good seat on the plane. That kind of situation can bring out the competitive spirit in anyone! Well, after a couple of hours in a half good seat (I have to work on my tactics), I finally reached Dublin. Friday I spent wandering around the city, doing a bit of shopping, a bit of cafe-sitting and people watching, and I even visited a museum (quite proud of myself!). In the evening my friends got off work, and we went to the pub for a real Irish pub-meal and of course the much longed-for pint or two of Smithwichs. On Saturday we rented a car, and drove a bit out of Dublin, to see some see-worthy places outside the city.
I had a great time in Dublin, but now it is time to be home and re-pack my bags - the departure date for Tallinn is getting close! I am excited to go - especially after going to an internet publishing course on Monday and meeting many other people who are also going to be interns at different Norwegian embassies around the world, and also realising that my job of updating the embassy's homepage will not be as complicated as I feared!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Jeg oppdaget plutselig at det er nesten to måneder siden jeg har skrevet noen ting her... Det har sannsynligvis noe (eller alt) å gjøre med at disse to månedene har vært innspurten på masteroppgaven, og etter en hel dag stressende og irritert foran pc'n, var ikke det å sette seg ned å skrive en blogg på kvelden særlig fristende. Ikke fristende i det hele tatt, for å være helt ærlig.
Men det har også skjedd masse disse to månedene. Alt for mye til å skrive om alt, så jeg tror jeg holder meg til det viktigste: Jeg er ikke lenger student!!! Jeg vet ikke helt hva det betyr at jeg er nå.. Voksen? Arbeidssøker? Arbeidstaker?? Jeg vet ikke helt hva jeg synes om det... I løpet av mine seks år som student har jeg alltid tenkt at jeg kommer til å finne ut hva jeg vil bli når jeg blir stor i løpet av studietida. Men jeg har klart å bli stor uten å fortsatt ane hva jeg har lyst til å bli... Tricky!
Men jeg har i hvertfall fått en jobb i fram til jul - jeg flytter til Estland og skal jobbe som praktikant på ambassaden! Det blir spennende. Da får jeg i hvertfall teste ut en av mine mulige ideer om hva jeg vil jobbe med når jeg blir stor, og jeg gleder meg veldig. Så får alle interesserte følge med på bloggen for oppdateringer og sprell i Tallinn :) De som vil ha adressen min og det nye telefonnummeret får sende meg en mail - jeg vil ikke legge det ut på nettet.
Men nå skal jeg på årets første lille ferietur! Jeg og Kjersti skal til København en tur - jeg gleder meg! God sommer!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Career Choices
One of those is anything that has to do with maths. It is a known fact that whenever I write something, I go for the "what can be said with one sentence can definitely also be said with ten"-approach. Then I always face the problem of what to cut out to make it short enough. This time the thesis was max 70 pages. So when I added all my chapters, I had 8+12+16+34 = 80 pages! At least that's what I thought for a whole week - being reallyreally stressed about having to cut 15 pages (as I did not have intro or conclusion yet). Until one day I took at look at it again, adding up the numbers... and got 70! Grrr.. all that stress for nothing!
Another plan I have had lately is to go to Switzerland or France to learn French in the fall. Fooling myself into believing that my French from high school would be a good enough base, I found a perfect school in Lausanne. It did not exept beginners, but then - as I said I had French in high school. So I wrote them a little e-mail in English, asking what level of French was required. A few hours later, they sent me a loooong reply - all in French. Although I didn't understand a word of the e-mail, I put two and two together (see, I know a little maths!) and realized that that probably suggests that my level of French is far from the required...
So that plan had to be abandoned even before it started. I guess it is just back to waiting to see if one or two of the few places I applied for a job from choses to call me in for an interview. Other suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Back in Business
I dag har det vært back to business, back to Blindern. Tida har gått med til å prøve å få skikk på oppgaven, og å prøve å formulere litt jobbsøknader. Egentlig burde jeg fått jobb som vandrende reklame for Idun ketshup etter de to dagene jeg var ute i påska.. Men jeg tror ikke reklamebransjen er no for meg egentlig. Vel, jeg er positiviteten selv idag merker jeg. Tror det er på tide å rydde ut av baggene med klær jeg har fått vasket hjemme i påsken og sløve litt foran TV'n med en stor kopp kakao. Det hørtes ut som en plan det. Off I go.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ja til Gratis Kaffe
Etter å ha slitt meg opp etter en natt nesten uten søvn på grunn av vond hals og dett dese, holdt jeg på å miste trikken som skulle kjøre meg på andre siden av byen for å ha et intervju jeg hadde grudd meg til ganske lenge. Forkjølelsesmedisinen (mirakelkur fra Namibia..) gjorde meg søvnig, og jeg måtte kjøpe billett på trikken - noe som er mye dyrere enn å kjøpe på forhånd. Vel fremme viste det seg at jeg og intervjuobjekt ikke var helt enig om hvilken dag vi hadde avtalt, og dermed måtte jeg snu med uforrettet sak og følte at jeg hadde kastet bort flere dyrebare timer på morgenkvisten, ettersom jeg ikke hadde sittet på bibloteket og surfet og stirret tomt på dataskjermen slik jeg vanligvis gjør. Men pengebevisst som jeg har blitt på mine studentdager, bestemte jeg meg for å spore opp en billett før jeg gikk på trikken tilbake, slik at jeg tross alt ikke skulle tape for mye på denne bomturen. Det enesete butikkaktige jeg fant var en Shellstasjon - som selvfølgelig IKKE solgte sporveisbilletter. Humf. Så jeg fant ut at jeg fikk kjøpe meg en kaffe som forhåpentligvis kunne motvirke noe av bivirkningene fra det namibiske wonderdrugget.. Og når jeg kom fram til disken syntes han i kassa så synd på meg som ikke fikk kjøpt trikkebillett og antakeligvis så en smule stusselig ut, at han ga meg latten helt gratis!! Der og da reddet han noe som virket som en nokså håpløs dag - men som virkelig bare ble bedre og bedre mens jeg vandret to trikkestopp bortover i strålende sol, fast bestemt på å spare nye åtte kroner.
Så, der er den, historien min om hvordan en snill mann på Shell kan redde dagen med en gratis kopp kaffe. Ikke spesielt interesant, og kunne sikkert vært fortalt på en heller enn 16 linjer, men det ville betydd at jeg faktisk måtte skrive noe på oppgaven min. Og det er mye artigere å skrive om kaffe, og ikke minst å skrive på norsk, så alle setningene bare rant ned på papiret. Jeg klarer ikke å si med få ord det jeg kunne ha sagt med mange. Hvorfor kan jeg ikke overføre den samme effektiviteten til oppgaven? Hvorfor?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Frognerparken Sunday
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
But still, spring is not my favorite time of year. And I have good reasons for making that statement. Because spring also means that exams are getting closer. Still a lot to read, too little time to read it, and I catch myself wondering what on earth I was doing all those dark winter days that I should have spent reading. Instead I find myself not looking forward to spring time, because I know it means a lot a of stress, coffee, and week long struggles to meet the dead lines. I don't really look forward to May 17th or to my birthday, because they always have an exam waiting around the corner. I knew that that was the way it was going to be already in 9th grade when my dad woke me up on my birthday (end of May) saying: "Happy Birthday! It's time to get up! You have your first exam today. And by the way it's snowing.." I am mad at exams for ruining the spring experience for me. But next year! No more studies, no more exams or thesis to finish! Just spring. Great.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Do Not try this at Home..
You see, I have found my new favorite coffee. It is a sweet chili coffee, with chocolate saus and chili powder. Only problem is, as far as I know, the closest place I can get this coffee is Jessheim - half an hour away by train. And paying over 70 kr for the train every time I want this coffee is a little inconvenient. But how hard could it be to make it myself? VERY hard apparently! I think the amounts of chili powder and chocolate saus require careful considerations to get right. Apparently, I was a little too generous with the chili part... I took one sip, and then I had to drink one whole liter of milk and several spoons of chocolate saus just to try to stop the fire in my mouth. But it still burns!
So, if anyone knows somewhere I can get sweet chili coffee in Oslo, please let me know! Same aplies to those of you who have any good ideas for how to stop the fire if you've eaten/drunk somethink with a little too much spice in...
Thursday, March 08, 2007

Monday, March 05, 2007
Og Jula varer helt til Påske..
Sunday, March 04, 2007

After watching a lot of World Championship skiing from Japan, where NRK very creatively makes almost every Norwegian athlete try sushi for the first time; all the grimaces on their faces should have turned me sceptical. But no, they have only made me more curious, and I figured that now was the perfect time to test…
It turned out to be quite a fun experience. Once we got there the waitress told us that there probably wasn’t a table available, but that she would check. Then she came back and told us that there was one. And guided us all through the room to the back of the restaurant, where she told us that we had to take our shoes off. What?? Yes, take your shoes off, please! Then she opened a door, and it turned out we got the VIP room! And then I understood why we had to take our shoes off – because we were going to sit on pillows on the floor with our legs in something like a hole under the table. And they only gave us chopsticks to eat with… Fortunately we had plenty of time.. :)
Well, the conclusion is: sushi is good stuff, I like it because it doesn’t even taste like fish!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Occupation: background noise-maker

They told us that we were only there for background noise. Our job for the evening was apparently to make this sound so funny that people in front of their tellys would look up from their newspapers or pizza slices thinking that this was something they shouldn't miss. This job suited me just fine. A couple of hours of laughing - not bad if you ask me! And they also gave us a free beer! I had made a promise to myself, as I woke up slightly hung-over this morning, that I would never drink again. But as I am also president of the short-memory-association (or at least a strong candidate for the position) those kind of promises never seem to work. And anyway, what student can turn down a free beer?
The show was a positive surprise. I think I might have to start watching this program. I would at least recommend turning on TV2 at 21.45 tomorrow. I have already decided to repeat the success of working as backround noise. The tickets for the recording of Nytt på Nytt sometime in April are already booked - and I think it'll be a lot of fun!
Frustration Attack
Another day at the library.
Pages produced: none.
Sentences produced: next to none.
Ideas about what to include in thesis: quite a few.
Ability to get them down on paper: absent.
Motivation: apparently gone with the chapters I sent my supervisor last week.
Hoping it will reappear tomorrow.
Untill then, no use sitting here.
I'm leaving.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Fun (but Exhausting) Times in the Life of a Sports Fan
It is also a time of priorities.. A time when the qualification for the ski jumping competition the next day seems a lot more important than getting the second chapter of my thesis done and shipped off to my supervisor. After all, the World Championships is only once every second year! I guess the thesis is only once in a lifetime, but it is for sooo many weeks, and I'm already so tired of all the writing, reading, analyzing, frustration attacks, writing blocks, and dictionaries - that it feels like I've been working on this forever. Therefore, my priorities are simple. The fun wins. I'd choose something fun and exciting over frustrating and annoying any day. Ooops.. Maybe that's why I'm struggling to get this thesis done on time... Which means another semester of writing, reading, analyzing, frustration attacks, writing blocks, and dictionaries...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Support Membership, Bye Bye!
Because I don't wanna be part of the ugly statistics I read when I logged on the internet this morning. It said that SATS earns 70 MILLION KRONER a year on people who are just what they call "support members"!! As if that was not enough; the article even called us sofagriser ("couch pigs"??). I refuse to be one.
Therefore I am going there again tonight, even though I really can't move after Saturday's work out, and I have already had an unintended work out this morning (note to self: the one extra minute of sleep in the morning is not worth the sprint to catch the subway in high heels).
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Problem Solved!
Oh, and Happy Friends Day everyone!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Technical Problems
But my new TV really gets the award for strangeness. I have complained for a week now that it refuses to show me anything but NRK1 (which is OK for winter sports during the week-ends, but can get a little boring during the rest of the week..). So I'm watching a lot of DVD's instead (the thing has a built-in DVD player!). And guess what? For some mysterious reason, it has now started to show all the DVDs - dubbed in German!
PS: Carrie Bradshaw should keep speaking English. German doesn't suit her.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Productive Sunday
PS: My upstairs neighbor has spent his whole Sunday practicing playing the guitar. I'm really counting on him being a fast learner.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
The IKEA transport people brought my bed yesterday. So for the second time in under a year, I had a "flatpakket" bed and a manual full of smily faces from IKEA.. I could only hope that it would go better than last time! But I faced a problem already on the first smily picture on page one - apparently I needed tools to put this piece of furniture together, tools that IKEA did not provide.. After a few minutes of frustration I got to borrow some tools from a friend, and voila! Definitely a better result than my former attempt! And finally a place to sleep, even though the bed was not as comfortable as it was at IKEA. Maybe I was just so tired when I was there that I could have fallen asleep anywhere.. :)
So my room is slowly but surely starting to look OK. As I said, I love decorating it, but one thing is to get a great idea of how you want it to look - quite another is to try to make that happen on a student budget ;) That requires quite a lot of creative thinking, and sometimes the thinking gets a bit too creative for its own good, because solutions that seem great in my head don't always work too well in real life... But hopefully, my Africa style room is up and running quite soon!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Love is in the Air?
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Night Bus
1) Someone falls asleep right away and snores so the whole bus shakes
2) After two stops someone comes and ask to sit next to you, resulting in that you have to take one of you two heavy bags on your lap for hours
3) A group of young people who have been on the "like most exciting trip ever" comes on at Gardermoen, sit right behind you, and watch movies from their trip on the computer while
explaining and laughing - loudly.
Last night, all of the above happened.
Bitter? Nooooooo
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Suomi. Finland. Oslo.
Last Sunday I moved from Tromsø, but took a “small” detour through Finland before ending up in my new home city Oslo. After Tromsø, the first stop was Kolari in Northern Finland, where I got to experience real winter for the first time this year. Somewhere between 20 and 30 degrees - minus. It was great. I have missed the winter so much this year. And when we asked the people in the hotel if there was an ATM in town, they told us that there was one a 4 km walk away. We optimistically started walking, the cold snow making the familiar squeaking noises for every step, and I have to say that 4 km seem a lot longer in the cold! When we finally found the centre, we also had to find a pub to defrost, and order a taxi back. Real winter cold is great (yes, I AM serious) but must be enjoyed in limited potions.
Rovaniemi, or Winterwonderland as I now like to call it, was almost as cold, and had lots of heavy snow on the trees with that beautiful glow to it that only 25 blue degrees can give. Surely, this kind of Christmas card is beautiful to look at from inside a warm kitchen, but it is even more fun to be out there experiencing it. Marjaana’s friend Jenni had a snowmobile that we just had to try out before we left. As they say, bad weather doesn’t exist, only bad clothes (well, it sounds much fancier in Norwegian, when it rhymes…). But as we got to borrow a lot of good clothes, we had no problems facing the cold. As we got out I thought that Jenni was going to drive us around with the snowmobile – but I was wrong; we got to drive ourselves! It was great, I felt so free, and like I was flying across the frozen lake – until I glanced down and realized I was going the amazing speed of 15 km/h! I felt a little bad, and got the thingy up to almost 30 km/h, but then it felt like it was taking off from the ice and I had to go back to a safe 15… But it was a lot of fun! In Rovaniemi I also found out that all the pool-playing skills I thought I’d picked up in Namibia had magically disappeared (or maybe they were just imagined in the first place…). And I got to meet Santa Claus! I had heard rumors that he actually comes from Rovaniemi, and after having seen his village, I am almost convinced. Even though he said something else every Christmas Eve he came to my house when I was a kid… This leaves me with a problematic question: Can Santa lie?
After two days in Rovaniemi, we got on the night train that would take us South to Helsinki, where I woke up the next morning. I got to do some shopping, sightseeing, sauna and hair dressing in the capital, and then went to Marjaana’s family’s summer house for a couple of days. It was a great place situated right by one of Finland’s many lakes, and a great place to relax! I even got to do my first skiing for the season!! It was only for a couple hundred meters, but still – it counts! Then we went back to Helsinki to have a party Saturday night. It was a great time, and after a couple of glasses of wine I kind of forgot that I would have to take an early plane the next day. And they had a lot of tasty shots at the bar we went to.. someone told me that everyone has to experience at least one hung-over flight, and I have now experienced mine. Well, to look at the positive side of it – you save a lot of money going through the tax free shop that way, because it isn’t even remotely tempting to stop by the alcohol section..
Well, after a great trip to Finland I have now spent two great days in Oslo. Yesterday I took a look at my new room, and started thinking about how I am going to decorate it.. That’s always fun! So tonight I’m going back home to get all my stuff – and then I will move to Oslo! Jippi!
Moi moi.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I Miss Namibia
Monday, January 15, 2007
Queen of Excuses

Thursday, January 11, 2007
After sorting through my stuff and throwing away eveything I thought I wouldn't need or want anymore, I was left with two mighty heavy boxes ready to be shipped off from the post office. The biggest problem would be to get them the 500 meters from the appartment to the post office.
It turned out not to be such a big problem after all. After spending a few days thinking about how expensive it would be to take them in a taxi, I suddenly got an idea while shopping the other day: why not borrow one of ICA's wonderful shopping carts? So today Marjaana helped me, and we conqured all the challenges King Winter decided to present us with - snowy, icy, and bumpy roads - and the boxes are now at the post office safe and sound. Now I only have clothes, shoes, skis, and books left - and I have plans how to get them all down to the capital :)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
What NOT to do..

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
The Doubtful Joys of Transcribing
2. I have confirmed that I have the memory span of a goldfish (seriously, I can remember a sequence of like 5 words max. This takes time!)
3. I have discovered that Namlish is even more difficult to understand on tape than live
4. I understand that I have to drastically cut down on my use of the terms "oh really?", "oh?", "oh yeah?", and "aha!"
Monday, January 08, 2007
New Year. New Possibilities.
I think, and I hope, that 2007 is going to be a good year. You can never tell the future, I guess, but I do know that this year is going to be one full of changes and travelling for me. I start of by going to Finland for a week in January, which I think will be great. Then I am moving to Oslo to work on the last semester of my thesis. It will be quite strange and sad to leave Tromsø, but I am also excited about living in the "big city".
And then probably more changes.. This spring is hopefully my last semester as a student, which means that 2007 will be the year that I will probably have to get a real job. Scary scary. I was thinking that somewhere along all these year of studying I would figure out what I want to do when I "grow up", but that hasn't happened.. So it is going to be quite exciting to see where I am when September comes. My big plan is to move abroad and learn a new language - french mybe - and take some time off from studying and committments. That is my plan right now. But as we all know - plans change. Especially mine. That's what's so exciting about the future :)